German Language

It is the 3rd most popular foreign language taught worldwide and the second most popular in Europe and Japan, after English.

German Culture and Philosophy

German is the language of Goethe, Marx, Nietzsche, and Kafka, of Mann, Brecht, and Grass. Mozart, Bach, Beethoven, and Schubert, Brahms, Schumann, Wagner, Mahler, and Schoenberg spoke and wrote German, as did Freud, Weber, Einstein, and Heisenberg, Kant, Hegel, and Heidegger.

Germany in the European Union

Germany has the largest economy in the European Union and the fourth largest in the world.

Knowing German creates business opportunities.

Germany's economic strength equals business opportunities. Multinational business opportunities exist throughout the European Union, America and in the European Union countries, where German is the second most spoken language after English.

German as a language of science

German is the second most commonly used scientific language in the world.


Jun 6, 2014

Daily Activities


Geometric Figures

So that, (in order) to

  • Er sagt es uns, damit wir es wissen.        
  • He tells us so that we know.
  • Er putzt das Fenster, damit er wieder hindurch sehen kann. 
  • He cleans the windows (in order) to be able to look through them again.
  • Er tut es, damit du ihn in Ruhe läßt.       
  • He does it so that you leave him in peace.
  • Sie geht in die Schule, damit sie was lernt.       
  • She goes to school (in order) to learn something.

When, If

  • Wenn er es weiß, sagt er es euch.
  • When he knows he'll tell you. / If he knows he'll tell you.
  • Wenn er seine Hausaufgaben macht, lernt er es.        
  • If he does his homework he'll learn it.
  • Wenn er müde ist, schläft er.      
  • He sleeps when he is tired.


  • Obwohl er viel Geld hat, ist er nicht glücklich.
  • Although he has much money, he isn't happy.
  • Obwohl er es weiß, sagt er es uns nicht.           
  • Although he knows it, he doesn't tell us.
  • Er kauft sich ein neues Auto, obwohl er schon zwei Autos hat.      
  • He buys a new car although he already has two cars.
  • Er verdient nicht viel, obwohl er viel arbeitet.
  • He doesn't earn much although he works a lot.



·        Er weiß es, aber er sagt es mir nicht.      
·        He knows but doesn't tell me.

·        Ich liebe ihn, aber er hat kein Geld.       
·        I love him but he doesn't have any money.

·        Er ist reich, aber krank.     
·        He is rich but ill.

·        Er hat kein Geld, aber er ist glücklich.   
·        He doesn't have money but he is happy.


  • Er kauft sich so viele Kleider, dass ihm kein Geld mehr bleibt.
  • He buys so many clothes that he does not have any money left.
  • Er arbeitet so viel, dass er immer müde ist.
  • He works so much, that he is always tired.
  • Er trinkt soviel, dass er immer betrunken ist.
  • He drinks so much, that he is always drunk.
  • Es ist so kalt, dass man ohne Mantel nicht aus dem Haus gehen kann.
  • It's so cold, that you cannot leave the house without a coat.